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Everything You Need to Know About Heating Systems in Concord, NC

The winter in Concord, NC can be intense. The average temperature from November to February can be below 59 degrees Fahrenheit and the coldest month is in January. 

For that long cold season, investing in a quality heating system in Concord, NC is ideal and recommended. 
A modern heating unit can keep you warm and comfortable when winter starts. It can help you beat the cold without any trouble. 

But if it is your first time looking for a heater, you probably feel overwhelmed and confused. Don’t worry. This comprehensive guide is for you. 

Why Should You Invest In a Quality Heating System? 

It is always tempting to buy a cheap heating unit in today’s market as everyone wants to save some cash. 

But a heater that is available at a questionably affordable price will not guarantee lasting durability and impressive heat output. 

For the first few months, your HVAC will perform according to your expectations. However, problems may arise after some time, requiring constant repair and unexpectedly high expenses in the long run. 

Here are the reasons home and business owners spend more to enjoy a state-of-the-art heating system in Concord, NC: 

Minimize the Risks of Frequent Repair or Replacement

It is estimated that a quality heater can last longer. But a low-quality system is a different case. Even if you can use it for some time, a subpar heater would always break down, requiring regular HVAC replacement and repair. 
That will no longer be an issue with a reliable HVAC unit, as it will be in top condition for years. But have it serviced and maintained annually to detect any early warning sign of a problem. 

Prevent High Utility Bills 

As a home and business owner, you have many expenses to deal with, and a high electric bill because of a malfunctioning HVAC system is something you cannot afford. 

When a filter is broken, your heater will double its efforts to heat your home. This increased run time can spike your utility bills. 

On the other hand, using a good heating system in Concord, NC can be a game-changer. Your bills will specifically be back to normal like you have thought. 

More Accurate and Better Temperature Control

Aside from poor durability, a low-quality heating unit may lack better temperature control, a programmable thermostat, and other impressive features. 

However, the latest HVAC systems can allow you to modify the temperature in your living space according to what you prefer.

Changing the temperature can also be done using an application on your smartphone. Thus, there is no need to go upstairs or downstairs to adjust the thermostat. This is suitable for those who are busy at home. 

Great Home Value 

A reliable heating system in Concord, NC can enhance your home value even if you do not have plants to sell your residential or commercial property at the moment. 

Remember that things may happen along the way. So, you never know you might need to put your home or office on sale in the future. 

What To Look For When Searching for a Durable and Energy-Efficient Heating System 

You probably have researched a heating system in Concord, NC. How was the experience? There are countless options to narrow down, and it is complicated to find the one that best suits your unique needs and requirements. 

Knowing what you look for can help make the process less stressful than expected. But what are the factors to consider when searching for a quality heater? 

Here are a few things you should take into account: 

It Should Come From a Trusted Brand

Which would you choose between a heating system that comes from an unreliable company and a heater from a trusted brand? 

While a heating unit from a new brand will help you acquire huge savings, a heater from a reliable company will provide more. 

From an excellent heat output to durability, a high-end heating system could take your experience to the next level. 

Decide What Type of Heating Systems You Like 

There are different types of heating systems, including a furnace, boiler, heat pump, hybrid heating, and more. 

A furnace is the most common heating system in Concord, NC. It could be powered by natural gas, oil, or electricity. Whether it is oil or electric, the air is forced thru a wide variety of ducts for distribution within a commercial or residential property. 

A boiler is the second most popular heating system in town. Unlike a furnace, a boiler is designed to send steam or hot water thru pipes to keep living spaces warm and comfortable. However, it is costlier to install. Plus, it requires more money to run. 

Heat pumps are more flexible than a furnace or a boiler as they can be used to heat or cool your office or home. Like a gas furnace, they use either electricity or refrigerant to transfer heat effectively. But they are only ideal in moderate climates. 

On the contrary, a hybrid heating system in Concord, NC combines the power of a gas furnace and the energy efficiency of heat pumps. 

The heat pumps will usually operate to cool or heat your home while the furnace takes over during extreme temperatures.


Some home and business owners want a bigger heater automatically for no reason. But if you have a smaller space, it would be inefficient and inconvenient as more heat will be generated in your room. 

A small furnace or boiler, on the other hand, will need to work harder to heat your place. This may lead to higher energy use and electric bills. 

The trick here is to choose a heater with the right capacity. You can consider the thermal and size characteristics of your house, insulation levels, personal preferences, and the number of household members. 

You can also ask for help from a dependable company to know the right capacity of heating system in Concord, NC

Your Budget

It is a common mistake for many to shop for a heater right away when their existing system is already old or outdated. 

Do not do the same thing. Before you add a heating unit to your cart, it would be useful to identify your budget. This will save you a lot of time and money at the end of the day. 

Common Problems in Heating Units

Let’s say you have chosen a quality heating system in Concord, NC. Congratulations! But even if it is new and cutting-edge, it is still prone to maintenance and repair issues. 

Here is a list of problems people encounter with their heater: 

A Buildup of Mold in the Furnace

It is common for a furnace to develop mold, especially with inadequate ductwork or poor insulation. So, when getting rid of the buildup of mold in the furnace, make sure to have your insulation checked at the same time. 

Overrun Heat Pump 

Do your heat pumps start to overrun for the past few days? Why is that? Your home’s climate could be the culprit. Do not forget that a heat pump works best for climates less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit. 

It is also possible that your equipment is undersized or the compressor valves are damaged. To avoid any guessing game, it is best to work with a qualified HVAC technician as soon as possible. 

Dirty Filters 

The primary job of a filter is to catch dust, fungal spores, mold, pet danger, and other pollutants. So, it would not be surprising for your filter to get clogged over time. With a dirt buildup in the filter, airflow can be restricted, giving the unit a hard time circulating the air around your living space. Cleaning or replacing your filter is the best thing to make it last longer. 

How to Keep Your Heating System in Top Condition? 

It is always advisable to invest in a reliable heating system in Concord, NC to minimize constant repairs and enjoy lasting heat efficiency. But that will be useless without proper maintenance. 

Below are some tips to help you keep your heater in great condition: 

Clean Your Outdoor Unit 

The outdoor HVAC unit also deserves the same attention you exert in your indoor heating appliances. When obstructed, your outdoor heater may impact airflow. Therefore, try to get rid of trees and shrubs from the unit. 

Set Your Thermostat Appropriately

For low electric bills and high energy savings, it is important to use the appropriate thermostat settings. During winter, set it to 68 degrees. It will also be time-saving to use 8-hour setback periods if you have a programmable thermostat. 

Always Check Your Air Filter

Debris in the air filter can lead to restricted airflow and overheating, so monthly inspection is ideal. 

When your filter only has a buildup of dirt, you should contact an HVAC technician quickly. A replacement will be a good idea for a damaged or broken air filter. 

Schedule the Inspection, Maintenance, or Repair of Your Heating System in Concord, NC with Get Air Done

Whether you encounter some trouble choosing a quality heating system in Concord, NC or are looking for installation, maintenance, and repair, Get Air Done provides a comprehensive HVAC solution for you. 

We have an accommodating and experienced team of technicians that will make your HVAC project seamless and stress-free. Quick project completion has also been one of our ultimate priorities since inception. 

For more information on our HVAC services, you can call us at 704-634-0421 today!